On one of the threads someone asked about a tutorial on Photoshops curves
tool.  Imaging Insider ( http://www.imaginginsider.com/ ) just wrote an on
this very subject and they include a PDF file.  Use
http://www.imaginginsider.com/data/archive/0000508/4PpYQ55ZTI.pdf to
directly download the 2.1 MB file.

IMAGING INSIDER BONUS: Download a PDF of Chapter 7 entitled "Understanding
Curves," compliments of Peachpit Press and Adobe Press. Ben Willmore,
founder of Digital Mastery, has released his latest "Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Studio Techniques". It goes beyond conventional step-by-step instructions
and helps explain the most complex techniques. Studio Techniques includes
four new chapters and covers all the new features of Photoshop 6.0.

*BONUS: Imaging Insider has included a downloadable bonus. "Understanding
Curves" as excerpted from Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Studio Techniques by Ben
Willmore is posted compliments of Peachpit Press and Adobe Press. Click the
thumbnail at left to view or download. 

Dean Shough

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