--- "Soren Svensson (EUS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Austin Franklin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > 
> > Only the color information is shared amongst multiple pixels 
> > NOT the edge information.  That does not make the four pixels one
> pixel.
> > Do the geometry.  Each of the four sensors is capable of sensing an
> > entirely unique "section" of the image. Why is that so hard to
> understand?
> Because it isn't true. Each sensor has a filter in front of it (R, G
> or B). That means that you have to use sensors next to it to get a
> true value of the luminance at each sensor. Each sensor just measures
> the luminance within a small spectrum.
> I think that's pretty clear, isn't it? :-)

That this is one approach but not the best. If you take four pixels and
reduce it to one you will reduce spacial resolution. Yes, each pixel
does measure only a part of the luminance but keeping it that way and
interpolating the missing two channels (which isn't really necessary
for edge detection but to have a true color value) is still better then
combining the four pixel. In addition if you would take that approach
it doesn't make any sense to have grgb but rather rgb. You use grgb
because you do want to increase the number of pixels that contribute
most to the lumiance. If you combine them you lose all that advantage.

But now I'm off camping and taking pictures.


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