Anthony wrote:
>Rob writes:
>> The printers demand 300dpi ...
> They may demand it, but they don't need it.  That's
> around 200 lpi for printing, and virtually no one is
> printing with screens that fine.  Even good magazines
> are at around 150 lpi, as far as I know.

I thought the lpi was half the dpi because you need at
least two pixels to make a difference like the nyquist
limit in audio? :-7  So the lpi of 300dpi would be 150?

>> ... and scanning at 2700ppi off 35mm film won't
>> give 300dpi printed at much more than A4, especially
>> if you have to crop.
> How many photos are printed at A4 size, though?

A full front cover on a magazine is close!  But for magazine
purposes, larger than A4 is unlikely to be needed - again it
depends on how much you have to crop.



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