> Austin writes:
> > I'm sorry, Anthony, but your claim of a hoax
> > is false.  Now, you're an expert on airline trays?
> No, but after talking to Airbus and the IATA about this very
> hoax, I was able to
> confirm that it is baseless.

Oh.  Only Airbus and the IATA know anything about this.  Whom at Airbus and
the IATA did you speak with?

> The original hoax was a circulating
> Internet story

And you have a URL for this purported "Internet story"?

> about two people flying on a Sabena flight and having their PCs ruined by
> "magnetic tray tables."  It was claimed that this was an A340
> (that's why I
> wanted to confirm this with Airbus).  But the A340 contains no
> magnetic trays.
> The IATA issued a public statement

Do you have a copy of this IATA public statement?  Would you please send it
to me?

> > I was on staff with a very large computer
> > company, and the company intentionally did a
> > study, and published a report ...
> Why didn't it just ask the aircraft manufacturer if the trays were really
> magnetic?

They did ask the aircraft manufacturers, and that is why they said that the
problem existed.  But, I guess you are just so much smarter than the people
who's job it was to research this topic, and write the report.  Next time
anyone needs to know what the real truth to, apparently, anything, is, I'll
just have them ask you!  I know your track record, I've seen you "perform"
for the past number of months...though no one ever agrees with you on any of
your topics of "discussion", I have come to believe that everyone, even my
self, just doesn't know anything about anything...that you are the only one
who has the story straight, and your word, dispite all evidence to the
contrary, is to just be taken as correct.

You must be highly sought after to be on staff at every major engineering
company in the world, since you know everything better than anyone else!
Perhaps you could name a few of the major companies you consult for?  And
since you are just so smart, you must have patent after patent, and perhaps
you could name them too?  Next time anyone asks me who I'd recommend for CTO
of a major engineering company, why, I'd have to say, Anthony, that's who!

> > If I told you my car was white, you would argue
> > with me, even though you have never seen my car.
> No

That's argumentative...and you'll argue with that, I'm sure.

>... I'd just ask to see the car.

Then you'd argue with me that it really isn't my car.

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