
Honestly, it is too soon for me to answer than question. The scanning I've
done with it so far has been low-res web scanning.  I certainly haven't
noticed the boundary problems you described. I have not, however, scanned
for printing at full resolution.  Once I do that, I'll let post more
results.  For the purpose I've used it so far, I've been very pleased.


> Tom,
>     I find your comments intriguing. Could I ask a few questions? I find
> that when I sharpen using Photoshop tools, there is oftentimes an
> dark or light line (sharpening artifact) that appears at the juxtaposition
> or boundary of a dark and light area. This causes me to spend a good deal
> time cleaning these things up. Does this this sharpening plugin eliminate
> this problem? If it does I would say the price was worth it. I would be
> interested in your observations on this.
> thanks,
> Brian

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