Hello all!

I simply cannot make SilverFast work well. (Version 5.5.0r14, NK LS-2000,
Mac OS 9.1, PS 6.0.1) Negatives scan with a nasty green cast and are usually
too dark and muddy. I have set up color management correctly in PS; I
believe I have also done so in SF (the manual is gibberish, but a
knowledgeable user kindly assisted me). I have read Ian's clear and logical
tutorials. I have carefully chosen perfectly exposed negs with a wide color
range. I have tried every one of the settings available.

SilverFast costs something absurd like $350 US to support ONE scanner
family. VueScan costs $40 US to support scanners I never heard of! All of
them! And it WORKS! It's ugly as a warthog, about as intuitive as, well,
SilverFast, but it by God works! Yes, we could use profiles for some new
Fuji films (I bet Kodak has that data available by now.), and a slide or two
would do not harm, but the damn thing FUNCTIONS. (Even though Ed seems to
have hired SilverFast's tech writers...)

If anyone can explain how to make NegaFix actually fix something, I would
appreciate it very much.


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