Austin writes ...

> > I
> > suppose that the white point is converted from step 2^12 in the 12 bits
> > scale to 2^16 in the 16 bit scale and the intermediary steps are just
> > interpolated (without any gain in the image quality). Am I right?
> Sorry, you're not right.  I believe the 12 bit data is raw data with no
> setpoints at all...those have to be manually set in PS.  The 12
> data will be
> high bit justified in the 16 bit word, and no intermediate values will be
> "interpolated" and there will be gaps between valid data points.
> These gaps are not relevant.

  I think you're both right, but said it different ways.  IOW, 4096 values
in 12bits become 4096 values in 16bits, but '4095' is scaled to '65535' and
all other values scaled accordingly.  Naturally, this would leave gaps.

shAf  :o)

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