Bill , 

Fantastic , the  Mac OS 9.2:Photos works perfectly.

Thanks again Bill

All the Best

> Eric--
> Try   "Mac OS 9.2:Photos"
> or     "Mac OS 9.2/Photos"
> Note the ":" vs the "/" used to join the folder name to the hard disk name.
> --Bill
> At 3:47 PM +0000 10-11-01, Eric Calderwood wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Another dumb question .
>> What do I type into the default folder , for where the scans are to be sent
>> on a Mac running OS 9.2.1 ?
>> If I type in Mac OS 9.2 ( the name of my primary HD ,into the Default Folder
>> box ) then VueScan outputs to there ok. However I have a folder in there
>> called unsurprisingly Photos and I won't to save the scans in this.
>> Can any Mac experts tell me how to do this ?
>> Regards
>> Eric

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