Thanks for taking the time and trouble to run this test and to post the results.

To me it's clear that VueScan's 7.2.3+ grain-reduction filter is a substantial 
improvement over 7.1.23 and 7.1.25

Thanks, Ed, for the improvement.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Shomler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 6:13 PM
Subject: filmscanners: Vuescan 7.2.3+ Filter|Grain reduction

| Someone recently asked if there was any discernible difference among the 
|low-medium-high settings with Ed's improved grain reduction filter in vuescan 7.2.3.  
|I thought I'd try some small comparisons from a negative scan, a small crop of sky 
|and snow from a near-end-of daylight scene -- sky being a common area where grain 
|aliasing is noticeable and grain a reduction filter can assist with image quality.
| I think differences are noticeable.  File sizes of almost same 200x200 pixel crop 
|are different: 28, 25, 23 and 21 KB for none, low, medium and high grain filter 
|setting (decreasing file size indicating a reduction in detail from the filter 
| I also included the same crop processed by vuescan 7.1.23 and 7.1.25 (these exhibit 
|color differences too).  The negative was scanned on a LS-30 at full res (2700) using 
|white balance color and IR clean.  Six files are at
| v7203n.jpg, v7203l.jpg, v7203m.jpg, v7203h.jpg, v7125h.jpg and v7123h.jpg are 
|approximately the same crop using, respectively vuescan grain reduction filters 7.2.3 
|none. 7.2.3 low, 7.2.3 medium, 7.2.3 high, 7.1.25 high and 7.1.23 high. Scan was with 
|IR clean on.  There are some color differences between 7.1.23, 7.1.25 and 7.2.3.  
|Scans are 48-bit mode, reduced to 24bit in photoshop 6.0.1.  Jpeg is from photoshop, 
|compression maximum quality/12, color space AdobeRGB.
| Complete image (September sunset on Mt. Shasta, California) may be seen at
| Crop is from upper right quadrant.
| --
| Bob Shomler

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