If it's showing up in the shadows of a positive (Velvia slide), it *is* noise and not 
grain.  Noise shows up in areas of extreme density, the shadow areas of slides, and 
the highlight areas of negatives.

All scanners do this to a certain extent, but the high end ones to a lesser degree.  
Unfortunately the price of those higher end models probably *start* at the $13K range, 
and go up from there (way up)!  I know, I've been 'shopping' for an
affordable one recently.

The most cost effective solution I have come up with so far, seems to be a refurbished 
Howtek drum scanner at around $7K, but I'm not that sure about how good the noise 
reduction would be. (BTW: one of the reasons that I've been looking at
these is the need to scan 4x5 as well.)

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

> The "dandruff" could be noise but it is more likely film grain - it is generally 
>most noticeable in areas of similar color such as skies.  If it is grain, upgrading 
>will not help, but Vuescan's grain reduction filter should - try it and see.
> <snip>

> Maris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ken Durling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> | But the question has to do with shadow noise, especially on Velvia
> | slides.  Since I'm new to "high res" scanning, I'm not entirely sure
> | what I'm looking for.  On some slides that I scan that have large
> | areas of shadow, I see something that looks like dandruff scattered
> | more or less evenly across the area.  Is that what shadow noise looks
> | like?  Are there various forms of it?

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