> Yes, the DCS Pro back is definitely a 16Mp device.

The OUTPUT of the processed CCD data IS 16M pixels, but how they achieve
that 16M pixels is using a 16M sensor device, which has four sensors grouped
together in a 2x2 quad, one R, one B and two Gs.  They interpolate the color
information across these four sensors (and probably across a larger area I
would hope).

As I have said time and time again, this is the little (IMO big, really)
white lie in digital imaging...  Without either multiple sensors and a beam
splitter, or taking multiple shots, they all (currently) use a quad color
array and the color information IS interpolated, so when a manufacturer
makes a claim of 16M pixels, they are talking ONLY about the output of the
"box", NOT the actual data out of the sensor.  This, IMO, is certainly at
the least misleading advertising/specification.

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