From everything I've read about the Polaroid SprintScan 120, and from my own experience, it is one of the best medium format film scanners the average photographer can currently afford.  It would be a shame for you to pass up such a fine scanner based solely on this argument.  I've never noticed any reflections while scanning, but then I would never have a reason to try to crop that close to the edge of the film for the type of work that I do (fashion and glamour of people).  You have to remember that few medium format shooters frame as tightly as they would if shooting 35 mm.  Don't bite off your nose to spite your face.  If a scanner does a nearly perfect job of scanning 95 percent of the film frame (which is probably about the area of coverage you saw in the viewfinder when you took the photograph, anyway), why would you want a different scanner that might cause banding, has poor software, causes 60 p! ercent of the image to be out of focus, has noise in the shadow areas, has less resolution, or has some other major shortcoming.  I don't know anything about the Minolta Pro; it might be a fine scanner.  But the SS120 has a solid reputation and I wouldn't eliminate it from contention unless you had a more significant reason.

In a message dated 11/28/2001 10:24:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barbara White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> (....)  and cured it by running a black magic
> marker along it. I'm going to try this with the film holder for the 6x6
> negs - will report back if it works.

Yes this is interesting: I wait for your results, please, because those 3mm
of reflexions on*every* neg would simply make me go for another scanner than
the Polaroid 120 - probably the Minolta Pro.

Thanks in advance for posting your results Barbara,

greetings Bernhard

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