I can think of very few computers or their peripherals that keep their
value over a two year period.  Video cards, memory, hard drives, flatbed
scanners, digital cameras, CD-R burners all have tumbled tremendously in
price.  Software is a bigger joke when it comes to resale.  I probably
couldn't give away a 300 dpi flatbed that I paid hundreds for 2 years
ago.  I paid over $150 CAN for a stick of 128meg PC 100 one year ago
that now sells for $28 here, and is PC133.  My 8X4X32 Plextor CD-R
burner which cost me over $350 2 years ago is now worth less than $100.

If anyone could be forgiven for "dumping" their mature product line, it
is Polaroid.  They were/are struggling with survival as a company.
Had they not done so, it is likely the company would be in liquidation,
and then what do you think would have happened to the value of your
SS4000?  Instead they have been continuing to support the product both
in warranty and in software upgrades.

     I understand your frustration, but I think Polaroid might have done
the most responsible thing available to them and their clients and
creditors.  I have seen so many other companies just walk away from
their clients and creditors without so much as a warning.  Syquest comes
to mind as an example, but there are dozens.  Anyone want to buy one of
my 4 Amiga computers? In effect, by lowering the price of the SS4000,
they might have actually protected its resale value, because it is now a
more commonly held product, meaning it is more likely to receive support
by third party programmers if Polaroid can't survive.

Further, if Polaroid can't successfully restructure, they have proven
the potential of their scanner division, making it a more valuable
property for sale to someone else who might maintain continuity with the
product line.

No one likes to see a product they purchased depreciate rapidly, but in
this particular case, I think Polaroid is acting in the best interests
of more of the sides of this multi-faceted process.

PS: yes, you could have bought a Nikon, but then you would have been
stuck owning one and having to use it ;-)


Lloyd O'Daniel wrote:

  > I can give you my opinion on part of this comparison. I have a SS4000,
  > bought 2 years ago at $1425. A friend of mine recently purchased a
SS120. I
  > scanned a couple of 35mm slides on his 120 that I had previously
scanned on
  > my 4000. My 4000 scans look great, but the 120 scans shows significantly
  > greater detail in highlights and shadows. The dynamic range numbers
  > published by Polaroid seem to be accurate.
  > Frankly, I'm a bit miffed at Polaroid for the manner they have
handled the
  > 4000/4000+ situation. I am assuming that the 4000+ will have dynamic
  > similar to that of the 120. Had Polaroid chosen to market the 4000+
  > concurrently with the 4000 at a time when one could have obtained a
  > reasonable resale value on the 4000, I would have upgraded to get the
  > DR. Instead, they have dumped 4000's on the market for $500 net or so
for 6
  > months, making my scanner virtually worthless. There is no way I can
  > $1500 on a plus now. Polaroid loses a sale. They also haven't had a 35mm
  > scanner they can get $1500 for lately. I would think they need the
cash. I
  > would say that they deserve their current financial situation in this
  > regard.
  > In hindsight, I would have been better off to have upgraded to a Nikon
  > 4000ED before the legs were cut off the SS4000. I did think of doing
  > Poor performance ratings of the Nikon 14-bit scanner vis a vis
dynamic range
  > dissuaded me from doing this.
  > Lloyd
  > ----- Original Message -----
  > From: "David Gordon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > To: "Filmscanners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 2:38 AM
  > Subject: RE: filmscanners: Polaroid SS4000 / 4000+ / 120 ???
  >>Hemingway, David J [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Thu, 29 Nov
  >>2001 12:52:57 -0500
  >>>I would imagine one could develop a test that showed the 
differences but
  > I
  >>>am not sure you would see that much difference on a practical basis.
  >>This is between the 4000 and the 4000 + ? Would a reasonable person see
  >>any difference between a 35mm scan done on a SS120 against a 4000 or
  > ?
  >>BTW what's happening about the bulk slide feeder device for the 4000? Is
  >>there a chance of seeing an uncut film loader too - something to 
allow me
  >>to scan a whole roll of 35mm?
  >>David Gordon
  > .

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