On 12/4/01 4:01 AM, Rob Geraghty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote:

>Part of the apparent increase in sharpness seems to be the contrast and
>possibly the fact that the highlights seem to be blown out in the VS scan,

White Point was set to 0.01%, but the area in the upper left of the 
enlarged images contain some of the brightest pixels in the slide.  
VueScan was set to autocrop the entire slide and I cropped the enlarged 
parts in Photoshop.  I was mostly interested in the detail around the 
knothole, and that area is not blown out.

>but there looks to me to be more fine detail in the NS version.  Were you
>using VS 7.2.11?

Yes, noted at the top of the web page.

Julian Vrieslander <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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