On 12/5/01 8:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote:

>In a message dated 12/5/2001 8:33:39 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> How would these numbers relate if the preview were rotated?
>They don't - they're relative to the unrotated position.

I've already cast my vote for a "click on the spot" focus UI.  But I 
understand that this requires more work to implement, especially for a 
cross platform app.

I'm not sure that I understand your explanation above.  In an earlier 
message you said that (-1, -1) would be used for the upper left corner.  
Suppose I select "Device | Rotate left" and "Device | Mirror."  Now, when 
I look at VueScan's screen display, is (-1, -1) now the lower right 
corner, or still the upper left?  That is, does the coordinate system 
rotate, flip and mirror with the image, or is it fixed to the VueScan 
display window?

I think it would be best to leave it fixed to the screen, so that (-1, 
-1) is always the upper left corner of the updated VueScan display.  That 
means that a rotate/flip/mirror operation will move the focus to a 
different physical spot on the film.  But if the coordinates transformed 
with the image, the user would need to do mental operations to figure out 
the focus location, and there is no visual confirmation.

If the focus location was set graphically, setting a visible marker in 
the display, I would probably argue for the other convention - with the 
focus point sticking to the same physical spot on the film.

Julian Vrieslander <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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