shAf wote ...

>   Now that I have all the raw scans and my intention is to "lock
> the color" ...OUCH!... I now see a problem with this procedure.
> That is ... with device set to 'disk', there is ^no^ option for
> "locking the color"!!!  ...

  After thinking ... I see the problem.  "Locking the color" assumes all
frames were exposed under "locked" conditions, and there is no way to
determine if all raw scans were acquired with the exposure locked (...
altho, I suppose, it could be assumed ...).

  As a way around this ... could I (for the case of the "calibration chart"
frame) (a) determine the exposure (and lock) ... (b) determine the color
(and lock) ... (c) change the 'device' to 'disk' and save the settings?  Or,
am I forced to acquire the "locked color" corrected TIFs along with each
"locked exposure" raw scan??

shAf  :o)

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