No, that's not what I said.  

Simply stated, the Minolta Scan Multi Pro (and the various versions of the
Scan Multi) do not require you to stitch pieces of an image together in
Photoshop when scanning medium format film.  This is true up to 6x9cm film.
If you can a bigger format such as 6x12 or 6x17, then you'll have to stitch
2 scans together to get the whole image.

Now for a different subject.  The Scan Multi Pro has an optical resolution
for medium format film of 3200 dpi.  It will do some fancy trickery behind
the scenes that will get you 4800 dpi for medium format film.  You as the
operator do not need to do anything out of ordinary to achieve 4800 dpi.

Paul Wilson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy D'Angelo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 9:07 PM
> Subject: RE: filmscanners:minolta and med format
> >My initial question was in regard to "adivse" on film scanner 
> >capable of handling medium format...That question got no reply so I 
> >began trying to sort out the sales mumbo jumbo and specs and 
> >$$$$...which led to the realization that some Minolta scanners do 
> >not actually scan an entire 120/220 area in one pass,,,that I must 
> >"stitch" the image together in Photoshop...At least that is what I 
> >think you are telling me( the Minolta info DOES NOT SAY THIS as 
> >such...they state interpolation  in regards to their max DPI ....It 
> >does seem pretty underhanded that a Mfg would not specify this 
> >clearly...never the less..I do not want to get invilved with this 
> >"Stitching" process...and now I wonder if any other Mfg's imploy 
> >similiar techniques...Totally confused.
> Andy
> >It's the Scan Multi Pro that does medium format.
> >
> >Are you talking about scanning an image that's bigger than 
> what the scanner
> >can handle (say 6x17) and then stitching in Photoshop?  Or, 
> are you talking
> >about the way the scanner gets to 4800 dpi for medium format?
> >
> >Scanning a 6x17 would pretty much be the same as either the 
> Polaroid or
> >Nikon except that you'd have to reposition the film in the 
> holder.  For 4800
> >dpi for mf, supposedly the Minolta doesn't actually 
> interpolate but scans
> >pieces and then stitches.  I don't know the particulars of 
> this but it does
> >seem to actually get more usable detail from MF 
> transparencies at 4800 vs.
> >3200.
> >
> >Paul Wilson
> >
> >>  -----Original Message-----
> >>  From: Andy D'Angelo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>  Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 7:50 AM
> >>  Subject: Re: filmscanners:minolta and med format
> >>
> >>
> >>  Greetings,
> >>    does anyone have any experience or advise re. using the Minolta
> >>  medium format scanner(dimage Scan II) and their stiching software.
> >>  ??I understand these med format scanners scan 35mm portions of the
> >>  120 and "stitch" the scans together,Does/will this work as well as
> >  > scanning the entire image?
> >  > Andy
> >  > --
> >  >
> -- 

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