>Have sent this post several times but it does not appear to be getting
>delivered.   I assume there are still server issues.  Forgive me if they all
>appear at once.
>Greetings - does anyone out there know where one might purchase additional
>slide holders for the Polaroid Sprintscan 4000?  B&H is out of stock and
>e-cost does not seem to carry them.  B&H does have the stripfilm holders
>(already ordered).  My Sprintscan 4000 is in the mail (has now arrived!).
>Because of the shaky position of Polaroid, I feel it would be wise to have
>On another topic - who has the best prices for Epson 1280 inks both OEM and
>third party?  Thanks, John Rossi

A couple of days ago I was looking for the scanner for someone and
did a query on google and some of the comparative shopping search
engines for SprintScan 4000 and all I found were left over holders.
Winsor Crosby
Long Beach, California

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