I have been running Beta 5.5e for a while and I believe I am now running
Beta 5.5_1, which is I believe the newest (I've had quite a few on this
system, so forgive me)...

The few bugs I ran into were in earlier versions than either of those,
so I don't think you'll find any "fatal bugs" in the version currently
posted at the ftp site.


bob geoghegan wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> The URL below says 5.5 beta.  It's dated 2/20, so in line with David's
> comments maybe it's a real release(?).  I'll be waiting for official word
> before installing it
> ftp://ftp.polaroid.com/pub/imaging/input/PolaColorInsight/Insight5.x/Insight5.5Beta
>   Another tid bit at the same site: "The initial shipments of Sprintscan
> 4000 Plus scanners were shipped with Insight 5.5. This version has a bug
> when right clicking the mouse. This updater will update and fix this bug....."
> Regards,
> Another Bob G
> At 01:35 PM 2/27/2002, you wrote:
>>A few weeks ago, David Hemingway said a new version of Insight, mainly to
>>support the Sprintscan 4000 Plus, but with some newe features for all
>>SS4000's, would be posted soon.
>>I can't find it on the www.polaroidwork.com site.  Is it delayed, or am I
>>looking in the wrong place?
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