Moreno Polloni wrote:

> >Now, given the recent price reductions, for another £1,000 more than the
> >competition, I can't see any reason to consider any other scanner over
> >Flextight.  I am always open to contrary views though, and if anyone can
> >provide good reasons not to go the Flextight route (barring saving the
> >money) then I would take all advice on board. <<
> With the current price reductions, the Flextight sounds pretty
> When I was doing my comparisons, the Flextight II was 4x the price of the
> Nikon/Polaroid scanners. The Flextight II was also slow, noisy in the
> shadows, and the PC software wasn't very good. The Photo seems to be a
> better all around scanner, and if I was in your position, given the new
> pricing, I'd certainly give it a serious look.
> It's not the scanner for everyone though. If you have a lot of 35mm
> you'll need to remove them from their mounts. This may or may not be
> acceptable to you, if your scanning volume is high. Of course, you could
> always get your slide film returned unmounted and that would take care of
> the problem.
> Another potential issue is scanning long 120 negs (panoramas). I had
> difficulty with the film buckling towards the end of the scan. Film base
> varies quite a bit between type and brand, so this is another issue that
> or may not be a problem for you.

Good points you raise.  I always get my 35mm slides unmounted and I mount
the ones that I wish to file, so that is not problem.  The panoramas would
not be a problem either as I don't really do any.  As for film base, there
are about fifty profiles for various film types in the scanning software.
How good they all are remains ot be seen.


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