Earlier versions of Photoshop had quite a few processes which worked in
8 bit/channel (24 bit) mode only.

Later versions included more and more processes that function in 16
bit/channel (48 bit) mode.

I use version 5.5, and it still doesn't allow for filters to work in 48
bit, and several other features.

The most recent versions have quite a number of features which work at
48 bit, although I don't believe everything works in that mode yet.

Having said this, probably the most important areas to have 16
bit/channel functionality are things like Levels, contrast, brightness,
hue, color balance, to lessen rounding off error.  It is much less
important in other areas.


VC wrote:

> My SS-4000 can scan at 24- or 36-bit color depth. If I scan at 24 bits
> Photoshop allows me to process image. At 36-bits it tells me that processing
> is not allowed or something to that effect. Does anyone know why this
> prohibition?
> Vasilis

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