Anybody getting good 120 scans from the Epson 2450?

I can get decent results scanning 4x5 negatives with this scanner, but using
the Vuescan, Silverfast or Epson twain scan program, I get mushy scans with
120 film.  I can't print them at any size while a 4x5 scan prints nicely at
12.75x16.15 with some sharpening. I use 2400 dpi for all scans.  I know that
this isn't the scanner for 120 but it should work for smaller prints from BW
negatives, especially if I can get good results for 4x5.  I  have concluded
that this scanner is fixed focus since adjusting the focus in Vuescan seems
to have no effect.  I have also tried raising the negative holder in small
increments and scanning with the film directly on the glass.  The film
appears reasonably flat in the holder.

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