Hello List,
I'm borrowing a Nikon Coolscan 4000 for a few days, as I'm wanting to
compare colour negs scanned on the Coolscan to those on my Flextight P2.
I am new to the Nikon scan software. I've downloaded the latest version
(3.1.2). You may think me mad for even making a comparison, but I'm very
tired of having to spend so much time 'dust-busting', slicing and dicing my
negs so they fit in the neg. holder, having no useful 'starting point' to
begin with and general unreliability issues that are the Flextight
Hardware/Software combo experience (P2 being sent back to Imacon for second
time in 10 months). I'm not what you'd call a Flextight convert...In fact
I'm well p@%sed with the fact I paid over 6 big ones for a scanner that
can't even scan full frame in 35mm, without cropping into my shots.
What I find appealing about the Nikon is that you can give it a neg, and it
gets you 90% there automatically, without the need to do it all manually,
which is what you have to do in the Flextight software. Ice sounds like a
real bonus in a 'real world' situation.
So.... I would be very grateful if any of you would give me any advice as to
the do's and don'ts with the Coolscan. As 'I know nothing' about the Nikon
scanner  - are there any obvious pitfalls/problems to avoid. I'm on a Mac G3
with OS9.2.2. I'm using Nikonscan 3.1 as a stand-alone app. Should I be
allocating more Ram to it ? I notice it seems very slow at re-drawing on
I await your depth of knowledge with anticipation !
Many thanks, David

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