Gee Austin, thanks for that insight. I NEVER would have figured out what
Anthony was getting at without your clear, exacting, obsessive attention
to detail and need to find someone wrong and fix things that aren't
broken.  I feel SO much better informed now.  What a very useful posting.



Austin Franklin wrote:

>>I usually leave images on my site set to the DPI of the scans,
>>so they are
>>always at 2700 or 4000 dpi.
> Anthony,
> What on earth are you talking about?  Where do you set the DPI of the scan?
> Scanners scan in SAMPLES PER INCH, and create files that are PIXELS PER
> INCH.  You are saving a file that is PIXELS PER INCH.  Only printers use
> DOTS PER INCH, and that value is printer dependant, and is NOT directly
> related to any of the information saved in the file.
> In the PS "Image/Image Size" window, you simply have the option of setting
> the number of inches and/or the number of PIXELS/inch, or PIXELS per cm.
> The top gives the image width and height in PIXELS.  I see NO option for
> "DPI" here.
> When you save an image at 2700 you are saving it at 2700 PIXELS per inch, as
> far as I can find, there is no option for saving your image in "DOTS" using
> PS.
> Austin

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