>"Todd Flashner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
>Yes, I suppose if one is convinced that DYR is a resolution that is the way
>they'd have to approach it as such, but David, tell me, have you seen a
>cited reference that supports that approach?

>David replies:
>"The dynamic range of a digital signal is the ratio of the maximum
>full-scale signal representation to the smallest signal the DSP or data
>converter can represent. For an N-bit system, the ratio is theoretically
>equal to 6.02N. "

Julian comments:  This quote says nothing about resolution, it is not
saying that dynamic range is a resolution, it is saying that the dynamic
range is a range between the max and the smallest signal.  Nothing new here.

I don't know what the 6.02N is about, the ratio is theoretically 2^N (2 to
the power N)

This ratio calculation will give you the dynamic range AND the resolution
in this case.  (But don't forget, this does not mean that dynamic range is
the same thing as the resolution!!!)

Canberra, Australia

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