Hi Robert,

I think the main thing happening in the scanner industry is what is
happening in high tech overall.  It's called "we better cut our profit
margin so we can sell some of this stuff before it becomes obsolete"...

It seems to be happening with film scanners, digital cameras, computers,
printers, monitors, etc.

I see little in the way of new developments at the moment.  I think the
current strategy is to rebox the old stuff with new colors and flavors,
maybe some improvements in software, and clear the warehouses of the
parts, to keep some money coming in and some people working.

I suspect that until the economy improves, you will not see a lot of new
technical introductions, as there isn't a lot of money around for trying
new things out, and the appetite for cutting edge is fairly suppressed
right now.  Consumers are looking for bargains right now, or they would
prefer to keep their money in gold and real estate, or, they are licking
their wounds from the stock market dive.

I am seeing major price reductions in most high tech areas right now, so
expect to see similar product lines being sold at lower prices. Digital
cameras prices are dropping about 5% every week or two lately.


Robert Logan wrote:

> Ok, something truly on topic.
> What are the latest developments in Film scanners
> that normal people might encounter in their
> filmscanning purchase options.
> Any real imporvements in dynamic range, bit depth,
> resolution (4000 seems to have been enough), low
> noise levels?
> Once Tony stopped reviewing scanners (did you?), there
> seems to be a hole in the 'review' market - and I would trust
> the list more anyway ... at least on this topic.
> bert
> --
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