One suggestion that I found with Kodachrome when I was having problems
with the color response with my good ol' HP S-10 and S-20 scanner.  I
could never get the color rendition correct via levels or curves of
individual channels without considerable work.  However, I found I was
able to make a ballpark correction by going into HUE in Photoshop, and
moving the top slider around a bit for each color required (via the drop
down menu).

A little unorthodox, but it worked.


Bob Frost wrote:

> Roger,
> I wish it was that simple. I usually find that with old Kodachromes the
> shadows go green and highlights go red and it is about right somewhere in
> the middle, so it takes a bit of playing about with curves etc to remove the
> casts accurately.
> Bob Frost.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roger Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  What I've always
> found with Kodachrome is that it scans bluish-cyan when I leave the
> colour sliders at the default (1) position. Greens seem particularly
> affected by this. I have to dial in some yellow and red to match the
> original slides. Other films like EliteChrome usually come out just
> about right at default.

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