Howard Grill wrote:

>How effective are products like Grain Surgery, Neat Image and Noise Ninja at
>removing what appears to be film grain after sharpening images scanned at
>4000 ppi.
So far my experience with Neat Image has been very good. For an example
see the paragraph that talks about b&w scans on my web page:

Note that this sample is not the best of the best but it should give you
an idea. BTW, I think that the NeatImage filter should be applied before
sharpening the image. I'm not 100% sure about this but I think I read
this in the user manual.

>My 35mm film is scanned on a Polaroid SS4000 Plus and taken on
>Velvia and the film is fine grained.  But I still find the grain
>I see after scanning and processing as objectionable when I am making large
>inkjet prints to 13x19 inches.
Wow, I find my SS4000 Provia 400 scans to be very smooth compared to my
negative scans. I wonder how you will like the grain from samples above :)


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