
I don't think you have anything to apologize for either.  If digicams (esp slrs) are 
starting to approach a level of quality and affordability that can seriously challenge 
filmscanners as the tool of choice for rendering digital images as a final stage 
product (which I believe is what most of us here are chasing) then I think it's not 
even semi-valid but fully valid...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur Entlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:27 AM
Subject: [filmscanners] Re: Was: Canon A70 Now: OT requests

Hi Maaki,

I recall your original request for filmscanner information, back in May
of this year, which I attempted to answer, and hopefully you were
supplied with some useful information to help you make a decision which
worked for you.

I honestly do not think you need to apologize for anything.  I did not
find your query abusive or intrusive.  This list has been very slow of
late, for all the reasons discussed by several people, and also
acknowledge by the list owner himself.

If I personally had some digital camera knowledge that would have helped
you, or if I could have pointed to a list of that nature, I would have
been happy to.  I don't have the necessary knowledge in that area to
guide you, and I hope others may have been able to do better for you than I.

I have never been able to figure out what the big deal is over the
occasional laterally connected question on a list like this one.  We
hardly even see any actual filmscanner related posting traffic these
days, and it hardly like there is a great deal of off-topic material
showing up that it is disruptive.  It's not like you posted asking for a
recipe for muffins in a tech list like this.

Good luck with your new digital camera.


Maaki wrote:

> It was my question that was the root cause of this controversy.
> Please accept my apologies.
> I'm new at this, (both digital images and email lists). I'm a
> sculptor whose transparencies are seldom returned by publishers or
> authors who request them, so I was considering the possibility of
> sending digital images instead. I stumbled upon this list when  I had
> decided it was time to invest in a film scanner, and hire someone to
> convert the film images to digital. A few members of this list were
> very generous in giving me some help in choosing the scanner, and
> then in giving me some extremely  valuable advice about some of the
> complications involved in using scanned images to send to authors or
> publishers.
> In the midst of all this advice was a suggestion to invest in a
> digital camera. So it seemed like a logical place to ask for advice
> on that also. Obviously it was not the right place. (Incidentally, I
> have already ordered the A70, based on many favorable reviews).
> The methods that resulted in my stumbling upon this list however,
> have not worked for finding a digital camera list. Even though I have
> had some  limited experience with film photography, I realize there
> is a learning curve ahead of me, so if anyone can point me in the
> direction for a digital camera list, I'd be very appreciative.
> Maaki Levine

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