I did write to him, but to be honest I did not want to deal with ini and log
files or whatever was needed to make a diagnosis.  I have now tried it on 2
computers and 3 different Firewire cards and both with and without PolaColor
installed and depending on the setup the system may be more or less likely to
crash, but inevitably it does and it locks up the whole system which can not be
turned off even with task manager.  I did not have this problem when I tried
the scanner on USB, but why use USB when I have Firewire available??  It never
crashes when using the PolaCoor software with FireWire...I suspect it may be a
Vuescan/XP/FireWire problem.  Also, and I don't know if this is the case with
others, but while the prescan with Vuescan sounded normal as compared to
scanning with PolaColor, the actual scan was scary to hear.  It was very odd
pitched and with vibrations, not at all like the sound the PolaColor scan made.

But, anyway, rather than address the VueScan issue, I would rather, at this
point after trying VueScan so many times, hear opinions regarding the workflow
integration issue.


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