Keep in mind that heated slides will tend to pop, and the ones you have
will be even worse.  I'd try to go with a cool illumination source if


Paul D. DeRocco wrote:

>>From: Peter Marquis-Kyle
>>You might consider using a Canon FD Auto Bellows with the slide
>>duplicator accessory and, say, a 50mm macro lens. This would make the
>>business of framing, magnification and focus straightforward.
>>(If you were in Australia I'd lend this gear to you...)
>>You'd need the FD-EOS Macro Lens Mount Converter to attach your 10D,
>>and probably a strobe for illumination.
>>Something to consider...
> Hmmmm. I just asked about this in the Canon 10D list, so it's serendipitous
> that you'd suggest this here.
> So this is all stuff that Canon makes? Could this work with the regular 50mm
> f1.8 lens? It focuses down to 450mm, while the macro lens focuses to 230mm.
> As to illumination, I was thinking of yanking the lens out of my projector,
> and pointing the camera into the hole, stopping way down for the DOF. It
> might require a ND filter if the light's too bright. That would make it
> really easy to step through a bunch of slides.
> --
> Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
> Paul                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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