> Yes.  That doesn't seem to do any good, Laurie.  However, In trying
> this again to be sure, I decided to turn off the scanner and then
> turn it back on.  On the third try it recognized it.  One other thing
> I should point out.  When I first turn on the scanner, this is after
> the computer has been turned on for the day, the scanner drivers are
> reinstalled - "Windows has found new hardware" routine.  Almost every
> time there is an indication of an error in the installation at the
> "Finish" applet.

Yes, this is what happens when you attempt to install some SCSI scanners
that are connected to a SCSI card.  Tou often wind up needing to install up
to 8 instances of the scanner before the OS will recognize it.  The
installation of each instance presents a "Windows has found New Hardware"
and there is an indication of an error at the end with the a repeat of the
"Windows has Found New Hardware" until the magic number of instances has
been installed. I think I refer to this in my second paragraph.

What I did not mention is that Microsoft at one point with XP was having an
argument with Adaptec and refused to license their SCSI layer files and
developed their own.  The Microsoft layer software frequently would not work
well or reliably with some SCSI devices whose manufactures used the Adaptec
standards. I believe the two companies have now reconciled their
differences; but I believe that XP installs the Microsoft developed SCSI
layer by default and not the Adaptec one, which is one of the resons why
some scanners are not recognized under the "Scanners & Cameras" menu item in
the Control Panel but appear as a separate menue item such as "Unknown" or
"Imaging Devices".  This sort of thing may be at the base of your problem;
but I am just speculating.

> I'm not sure how to do that.  Epson packages all the drivers for a
> specific machine into one compressed file.

Install the scanner as a SCSI device rather than a USB device, this should
enable you to install the Epson SCSI drivers.  They should remain installed
in XP until you manually remove them, which you will not be doing.  Then
install the Epson scanner as a USB scanner which should cause Epson to
install the appropriate Epson drivers in XP, resulting in your having both
sets of drivers installed. I wouuld not use the Microsoft recommended "Let
Windows find the driver" option or install the drivers from the Epson CD (if
you can avoid it); but I would select to manually instal the drivers by
selecting the non-automatic option that Windows offers which will allow you
to search the CD for drivers to be installed manually.

> installed
>>> What's strange is that the only device drivers that go away are the
>>> Epson scanner drivers.
>> This makes me think the problem is that the scanner is basically a
>> SCSI based scanner which uses a USB port but feeds to a SCSI driver.
>> The driver that goes away may be the SCSI driver.  The way that SCSI
>> devices with SCSI cards work the card is recognized before the OS
>> and the scanner is recognized only if it is turned on and connected
>> to the card at boot up before the OS loads.  If this is not the case
>> one has to turn the SCSI device one and go to device manager and
>> refresh and rescan for devices after the OS loads. This may be the
>> same for USB connected internal SCSI devices as well. Have you tried
>> rescanning for new deviced in device manager to fine the scanner
>> after it has disappeared?
> Yes.  That doesn't seem to do any good, Laurie.  However, In trying
> this again to be sure, I decided to turn off the scanner and then
> turn it back on.  On the third try it recognized it.  One other thing
> I should point out.  When I first turn on the scanner, this is after
> the computer has been turned on for the day, the scanner drivers are
> reinstalled - "Windows has found new hardware" routine.  Almost every
> time there is an indication of an error in the installation at the
> "Finish" applet.  This is the only device that want to reinstall
> itself upon first use each day.  You may be right about it "spoofing
> the SCSI drive through the USB port.
>>> Even stranger is that occasionally I have to install/uninstall the
>>> scanner drivers several times before the scanner is recognize
>> This is common for SCSI scanners which often need to be reinstalled
>> up to 8 times in succession without any uninstalling of them before
>> they are recognized by the OS.  This makes me think the problem is
>> that the scanner is basically a SCSI based scanner which uses a USB
>> port but feeds to a SCSI driver.  There were some older parallel
>> port devices that internally were SCSI devices and used SCSI drivers
>> but required a parallel port driver as well so that they could be
>> ported to the parallel port and then to the SCSI driver.  Your
>> scanner may be along those lines except it uses a USB port and USB
>> mini-driver instead of the parallel port min-driver employed by the
>> older devices.  It is possible that this is confusing you OS or
>> producing some sort of conflict.  Try installing the SCSI driver for
>> this scaanner along with the USB and see if that helps.
> I'm not sure how to do that.  Epson packages all the drivers for a
> specific machine into one compressed file.
>>> The shutdown sequence seems to go normally but it will not power
>>> down
>> Somehow and for some reason your scanner is causing the system to go
>> into hybernation rather than shut down.  Do you turn the scanner's
>> power off before shutting the system down?  If not, the system may
>> still see the scanner as beign in use and is reverting to
>> hybernation rather than shut down.
> I think that's what may be happening.  I usually forget to turn off
> the scanner before I shut down the computer.  Come to think of it,
> this also happens sometimes when I leave a CF card in the reader -
> and if I delete the images on that card and do not remove it, the
> computer get upset over a drive not being right.
> Jim

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