>(3) As I experiment and futz, I wonder exactly what Nikon's "auto-exposure"
>is doing to the raw scan results. I can't find any documentation. In my
>speed scans, I can see that AE is trying to control the highlights, but
>I don't
>know how AE is doing this. Is it *only* the equivalent of a curve adjustment
>that I could make myself, or is it adjusting the analog gain or maybe doing
>something else?   Any input here would be greatly appreciated.

Nikon's s/w no matter the setting for it's clipping zones is quite aggressive
in  setting levels and contrasts. While Hamrick's VueScan is not without its
quirks, I find myself using it more and more often over NikonScan because I
get a much much wider range from it than from NikonScan. There's detail in
shadows and highlights in VS that I canNOT get with NikonScan w/o a great
deal of work. Note that this may be different for LS-5000/9000 users since
Nikon's s/w has a few extra options for those scanners to do with
shadow-detail and highlights.

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