Pec pads and fluid are pretty much the standard for film cleaning. This
is some random (as in I never used that mail order company) link:
You shouldn't have to mail order the Pec pads and fluid. It is generally
a bit cheaper to get a Pec kit that has both the fluid and the pads.

To really clean your slides, you need the ability to remove them from
the mount. [You just can't clean the edges otherwise.] If your mounts
are not resealable, you will need some Gepe slide mounts. You can just
compress the mount by hand if you don't want to buy the mounter.

You will need a source of clean compressed air. I use a scuba tank with
a nozzle attachment. If you don't want to buy a tank, you can rent one,
but the nozzle, hose and such probably can't be rented. I bought my
whole set up with a used tank for $80.  [You can tank hits off the tank
if the Pec-12 fluid gets to you!] If  you are an ebayer, that would be
the last place to get a tank as they are mighty heavy. Just go to a dive
shop and probably someone local will have a tank for sale.

Any reason you left the Dimage 5400 II off the list?

> I recently decided to try submitting some of my photography to
> a stock photography company.


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