On Jul 10, 2007, at 6:23 AM, Berry Ives wrote:

> Does anyone know what is the market share of FF digital among
> professional photographers working digitally today?

It seems to me that most working pros are using the 1.3x crop Canons.
I see those more than just about anything else. Of course, the crop
factor gives their big white lenses a little more reach and the 1D
series has always had much higher frame rates and burst capabilities
than their full-frame 1Ds cousin. With Kodak and Contax out of the
market that's left Canon's 5D and 1Ds as the only FF cameras that I'm
aware of. Of course, Sony and Nikon may both have FF models waiting
in the wings, if current rumors are accurate. Personally, I wouldn't
mind shooting with a FF sensor, but the 1Ds is more expensive than
I'm willing to go and the 5D (which I considered) is saddled with a
body design and control layout from Canon's low-end cameras. If price
were no object I'd own a 1Ds, but in addition to being expensive it's
a real brick. It's about 3 1/2 pounds with no lens. An E-410 weighs
less than a pound.


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