Before I forget, vuescan by default does a small amount o
f clipping at the white level. This is a parameter to set
. There is also a place to toggle the scanner to turn cli
pped areas to say red so you can judge the effects of cli
pping. Sometimes a few specs of blownout pixels is better
 than a too dark image. Or you can set it up not to blow
out any pixels, then tweak in photoshop.

I would say s
pend a few hours with Vuescan before doing serious work.

-----Original Message-----

Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 10:45:51 
Subject: [filmscanners] Re: Help With V

gary wrote:
> The good news is I run a 5400-II
 with Vuescan. The bad news is I haven't
> a clue why yo
urs isn't working.
> Did you run that calibration ste
p that the software requests?

:::embarrassed::: Yes, a
fter I read your email! Vuescan works just fine now and t
results are beautiful. Thank you.

>> Yesterday I tried to use Vuesc
an but it was frustrating. Here's the situation: my old
>> Nikon LS4000 is in urgent need of cleaning. I had a Mi
nolta 5400-II on the shelf in an
>> unopened box. Right
after I bought it Minolta abandoned the business so I jus
t forgot
>> about the unit. Now I need to use it. Minolt
a's software is worse than awful. Any
>> adjustment in t
he scanner interface at all blows out all the highlights.
 I have hundreds
>> of valuable and faded historical ima
ges to restore.
>> So, Vuescan to the rescue. No mat
ter how I set the input and output options I get
>> noth
ing. The preview scan is dark gray and the output is just
 a file with all black
>> pixels. I don't remember that
ever happening before but I haven't used Vuescan for a
> couple of years. What glaringly obvious mistake am I ma
king? I am clueless.

Cary Enoch Reinstein...  aka
enochsvision, Enoch's Vision Inc.
Photography, Poetry ht
tp://  Baha'i History: http://www.vie
Blog:  Vi
Behind all th
ese manifestations is the one radiance, which shines thro
ugh all things.
The function of art is to reveal this ra
diance through the created object. - Joseph Campbell

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