a novice at it! But frequently-
used features probably benefit from non-intrusive user interfaces. Those 
may then be opaque to the novice, but once learned, can be extremely 

For some ruminations on user interface design that came from setting my 
clocks back last October, you may find this Usenet post interesting:


(all on one line)

David W. Fenton                         |        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                 |        http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:37:05 EDT
Subject: [Finale] Re: Digest Monster


The list is emitting a digest several times an hour. The last attachment 
contained 1.7MB of previous digests.

Today my inbox-tomorrow the whole internet.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:38:08 -0800
From: Linda Worsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] humongous email

OK, why have I received two (2) HUGE posts from this list, so large 
that even my very efficient dsl line too a minute and a half to 
download it?  Has anyone else received this?  And in any case, why is 
it being sent?  Is it an archive of some kind?  Does someone hate us? 
What's going on?

Linda Worsley


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:42:04 -0400
From: "Bill Fatch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: [Finale] Concordance

I'll second that!

Bill Fatch
Etudes & Duos for Brass

-------- ORIGINAL MESSAGE BELOW --------
Thanks Hal,

That's a very good refresher for me.



On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 07:46  PM, Harold Owen wrote:

> Dear listers,
> I've just compiled a comparative listing of Finale's keyboard 
> shortcuts and mouse clicks for both Mac and Windows. If you use 
> one platform at home and the other at school or the office and 
> can't remember the right combination of keys or clicks, you can 
> see them at the following address:
> http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~hjowen/Mac.WinKeyboardShortcuts.pdf
> The first two pages are the most important. The others contain 
> lots of information you might not have seen before.
> Best wishes.
> Hal

Philip Aker

Finale mailing list


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:53:00 -0400
From: Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Word and Finale? Possible?

At 09:00 PM 4/16/02 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
>But the results may very well be vastly inferior to the results of using 
>Finale's native graphics export, as the results depend on the screen 
>resolution and the zoom percentage of the displayed file onscreen.

Right. The operant phrase for me was 'cut a few bars of music'.

Based on the tone of the question, I was guessing that this was relatively
casual ... or else we'd probably be talking about using pro publication
programs and PostScript. (Not to mention the size of the bitmapped files
pasted into MSWord!)

In any case, since screen res is about 72 dpi, a few measures on the larger
screens most of us use, captured at 200%, gives about 300dpi when the
actual file is reduced to about 50% (as it would be printed). It may seem
crude (and on a non-PS printer, the beams have slight jaggies), but for
average printing with MSWord for classroom use, photocopies, or POD
publications, it will actually be okay.

I've put a file here done as described above:

The file, with a *single* 300 dpi bitmap, is 1.4MB.

>Both are superior in quality to a garden variety screen capture, not to 
>mention not requiring all that cropping to get it down to the appropriate 

Agreed. But it's pretty useful for quick clips and fast work.

Best to you,


Message: 6
From: Ken Durling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] humongous email
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 19:06:10 -0700

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:38:08 -0800, you wrote:

>OK, why have I received two (2) HUGE posts from this list, so large 
>that even my very efficient dsl line too a minute and a half to 
>download it?  Has anyone else received this?  And in any case, why is 
>it being sent?  Is it an archive of some kind?  Does someone hate us? 
>What's going on?

yes, I'm getting them too.  Over  2MB the last one.  I mat have to
unsubscribe for a while, if I can remember how!  ;-) 

Ken Durling

Visit my new easier-to-browse PhotoSIG portfolio:


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:10:07 -0400
From: Jon Delfin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] To the list owner...

"David W. Fenton" wrote:

> REPLY ALL has always annoyed me, because it leads to what I consider to
> be anti-social list behavior, posting both to the list and with a
> separate copy to the sender.

Maybe other mail programs don't make this easy, but in Netscape Communicator, it
takes all of half a second to delete the sender's address and leave the list
address extant.



Message: 8
From: "Howard Rigby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Finale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:24:19 -0400
Subject: [Finale] filter out those hude digests!

Hi all--

after having had to download four of those huge digests I finally was able
to get into my email controls and set a filter that allows me to NOT
download anything that comes from
"[Finale] Access denied"

That way I continue to receive the other posts...

that's what I did- maybe others can do the same (I use Outlook Express)....
I know...... don't get on me about that!

Cecil Rigby


Message: 9
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:33:30 -0400
From: Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Word and Finale? Possible?

At 11:17 AM 4/16/02 -0700, Harold Owen wrote:
>The way I have done it: In Finale choose the Graphics Tool, in Page 
>View, double-click and drag a box around the music you want to import 
>into Word. Choose Export Selection from the menu. In the dialog box 
>that appears, choose EPS from the pull-down menu, click Downlowd 
>Fonts, and Create a Bitmap preview. This will create a new file that 
>you can import into Word using Import Picture. In your Word file, put 
>the cursor just below the text where you want it. You can size it or 
>change its left margin if necessary. It will print nicely on a 
>post-script printer.

In my experience, this has been a recipe for disaster on Windows.

In Finale, you must first change to a PostScript printer from the page
setup dialog, and if you don't have a PostScript printer, install a dummy
driver for one (such as the Apple 630), and then change back to your
regular printer when done with the export (or you'll send reams of raw
PostScript to your machine!).

The resulting EPS file will not be placed in MSWord as a high resolution
image, but only according to its low-resolution TIFF (not BMP) preview
(though this may have been fixed in newer versions of MSWord -- please
correct me if it now works). When you attempt to place the file as an
object instead of an image, the EPS file will generate the dreaded
PScript_Win_Compat error.



Message: 10
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:01:36 -0400
From: Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Message which didn't make it to the list

At 03:23 PM 4/16/02 -0800, Mark D. Lew wrote:
>[*] I must confess -- although I realize this is very eccentric of me -- I
>still haven't got past thinking of all MIDI and playback functions as
>"frills".  I wouldn't expect my word processing application to read my
>letters out loud; why should a notation program be different?  I use Finale
>to write the music on paper, not to play it.  That's what instruments and
>musicians are for.

Ummm... okay. If you can get them.

In order to get them, very important from this composer's point of view is
the demo. Who auditions music through scores anymore? Very seriously (and
perhaps sadly, and even though they may deny it), conductors, performers
and producers would much rather pop in a CD when driving along than take
time out to go through a stack of scores (or in the case of performers,
rent or buy a score on spec). Demos also help with rehearsals (my flute
concerto wouldn't have been prepared in time for the premiere without the
demo, for example).

Beyond submissions to conductors or performers, I have an extensive on-line
catalog with lots of demos in mp3 format, some of the latter created from
the Midi output of Finale, and then massaged in Sonar. I have gotten many
performances (and even two commissions) from my audio catalog.

In 1993 it was different, but today I can't use a notation program without
Midi output to work with. Times have changed. It's no longer a
printed-score world.



Message: 11
From: "Kenneth Kuhlmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Concordance
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 13:51:28 +1000

>  Charles Small wrote:
>  >> For some reason, every time I go to your link, Acrobat launches, but
all I
>  >> get is a 12 page blank document.  Anyone else having this problem?
>  >>
>  >
>  >   Sort of. What happens here is: Acrobat 2.1 launches automatically and
gives me
>  >a blank document. But if I start Acrobat 4 *first* and then go to the
link, I get
>  >the whole nine yards.
> Phil Daley wrote:
> I was about to suggest it was a version problem.  Get Version 5.
The file name of Hal's document contains two periods. This may be the cause
of the problem given that there is a lack of standardisation between
computer platforms and operating systems regarding the format of file names
and which part of the name
should be treated as the *extension* indicating the type of file.

Perhaps Hal could rename his very useful file by removing the first period
and we could see if the problems persist.  I suspect it may disappear.

This is my experience.  Using Internet Explorer/Outlook Express_5.5 I used
Hal's link to save the file directly to disk on my WIN_NT_4  Server without
opening it.  Later, clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer it opened
automatically in Acrobat Exchange_3.1.  Similarly, I accessed the copy on my
server from a WIN_2000 workstation where it opened automatically in Acrobat
Reader_5.05.  Following the postings on this list I attempted to open the
the file directly from Hal's link.  An Internet Explorer window opened to
display the file -  OK  - but it simply contained an icon indicating that
the file was unavailable  -  not OK  - no evidence that anything was

The WIN_NT_4 and WIN_2000 OS's recognise the text after the -last- period as
the file extension *pdf* and correctly associate the file with the required
Acrobat program on each system.  My theory is that IE 5.5 (perhaps to
maintain compatibility with older DOS/WIN conventions) uses the text after
the -first- period, ie  *WinK...*, as the extension and fails to make an
association with any reader program.  Hence it fails to download the file
and displays an icon indicating that the file is unavailable.  As other
listers have indicated, if Acrobat Reader is started first and the file is
opened using the File menu then the document should open correctly because
the program does not need to detect and act upon the extension.  On other
platforms (Apple?) and different software installations IE may behave
differently but equally unsatisfactorily.

Any other explanations?

Kenneth Kuhlmann


Message: 12
From: "Jari Williamsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:06:45 +0200
Subject: Re: [Finale] "New Staff System" woes

Charles Small writes:

>  Hello all,  In an extracted part, I need to break a (single-staff) system (page
> view).
> In Measure Tool, I double-click the measure which should start a new system, the
> box listing attributes for that measure pops up, I check "Begin New Staff System",
> click OK to return to the part, and: Nothing has changed. Tried "update Layout",
> still No Joy.
>  What am I missing?  (BTW-- Finale 2000c, Mac)

Verify "Options/Update Layout Options...". Make sure that the "Reflow 
Measures" setting has the setting you'd expect.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
ICQ #: 78036563


Message: 13
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 08:34:28 -0100
From: Phil Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Finale] Finale Digest bloated


As I recieve this at work I am on the digest;

I am receiving some very bloated messages:

Below I have copied the entries from my mailbox, just for volume 1 #17

I cannot even open these messages as they are so big!

[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 1/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 2/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 3/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 4/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 5/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 6/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 7/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    912
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 8/8

Phil Hurst


Message: 14
From: "Jari Williamsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:44:04 +0200
Subject: [Finale] Disable e-mails

A mail I'd sent to one of the list's members just bounced due to a "Mailbox 
Quota Exceeded" error, most likely caused by the huge "Access denied" 
messages that were sent out by the Mail Delivery Subsystem for this 
So I've now disabled mails from this group to be sent to my mailbox until 
this problem has been corrected, to make sure that other mail still will 
reach me.
If you have a mailbox account with a size limit, make sure you do the 
same. You can temporarily disable mails from the group, using the WWW 
interface listed at the bottom of the messages for this group. [As a 
subscribed member, there's a password already created for you which 
can be mailed to your e-mail account.]

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
ICQ #: 78036563


Message: 15
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 04:00:03 +0100
Subject: [Finale] HELP!!!!!!

How do I stop getting this "MAILER-DAEMON" e-mail that takes forever to


Martin Banner
Monticello, New York


Message: 16
From: "helgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] To the list owner...
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 18:07:27 +1000

While I have no probs with whichever system our list owner chooses to use I
am getting a bit p--'d off with (like today) receiving 11 "access denied"
e-mails, all of which take about 30odd seconds to load, and start halfway
through a sentence, or even a word. I have now sat for 18mins 42secs
receiving 37 e-mails! Paying by the minute this is no fun, especially as the
"slowloaders" are not for me in the first place! Truly if this is going to
be the norm you've lost me!
To whom is access denied? Is it me or "the list"? Either way I don't really
want to know something is denied unless I'VE sent it and it has 'bounced
back'. Why tell me Finale has denied itself entry to half a message. I trust
this is a temporary glitch and will soon be solved.-and SOON.
Regards, Keith in OZ
----- Original Message -----
From: John Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Finale] To the list owner...

> At 2:02 PM -0500 4/16/02, Aaron Sherber wrote:
> >At 03:16 PM 04/16/02, John Howell wrote:
> > >I don't have a "Reply All" button on my menu.  (MacEudora)
> >
> >Sure you do -- Message | Reply to All. You can even add a button for this
> >to your toolbar in more recent versions. It's also Shift-Ctl-R on Win,
> >whatever the appropriate thing is for Mac.
> >
> >Aaron.
> Well, I poked around in the "Settings" module and found a place where I
> could choose either Reply or Reply to all, and changed my choice.  NOW I
> have a Reply to All choice on my menu, but I didn't have it before.
> to all who sent suggestions.
> John
> John & Susie Howell
> Virginia Tech Department of Music
> Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
> Vox (540) 231-8411   Fax (540) 231-5034
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> http://www.music.vt.edu/faculty/howell/howell.html
> _______________________________________________
> Finale mailing list
> http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale


Finale mailing list

End of Finale Digest

Your e-mail has been denied access to this mail server.
The original message was received at Wed Apr 17 08:44:22 UTC 2002
and addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have been denied access in error, request access at: 
(Original message attached)
Send Finale mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Finale digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Re: Thoughts on Mac-Sibelius 2.0 (David W. Fenton)
   2. Re: Digest Monster ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   3. Re: humongous email (Linda Worsley)
   4. Re: Re: [Finale] Concordance (Bill Fatch)
   5. Re: Word and Finale? Possible? (Dennis Bathory-Kitsz)
   6. Re: humongous email (Ken Durling)
   7. Re: To the list owner... (Jon Delfin)
   8. filter out those hude digests! (Howard Rigby)
   9. Re: Word and Finale? Possible? (Dennis Bathory-Kitsz)
  10. Re: Message which didn't make it to the list (Dennis Bathory-Kitsz)
  11. Re: Concordance (Kenneth Kuhlmann)
  12. Re: "New Staff System" woes (Jari Williamsson)
  13. Finale Digest bloated (Phil Hurst)
  14. Disable e-mails (Jari Williamsson)
  15. HELP!!!!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  16. Re: To the list owner... (helgesen)


Message: 1
From: "David W. Fenton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:19:54 -0400
Subject: Re: [Finale] Re: Thoughts on Mac-Sibelius 2.0

On 17 Apr 2002, at 8:36, Matthew Hindson wrote:

> I would agree in general with this, although personally I would say that
> Sibelius is considerably more intuitive at the early stages, less so as you
> go along and want to do 'harder' stuff (which may be graphically based, as
> you point out).

One of the things every computer programmer or user interface designer 
has to reconcile is that "ease of learning" and "ease of use" are often 
in conflict with each other.

An interface that holds your hand and makes decisions for your is likely 
to speed learning, and allow you to accomplish tasks quickly without any 
steep learning curve (as long as the tasks you want to accomplish are the 
ones the UI designer mapped out for you). But often, the hand-holding 
interface then gets in the way once you *know* what you want to do.

A UI needs to be forgiving of different levels of knowledge and 
experience. It should provide assistance to the newbie, but that 
assistance shouldn't get in the way of the experienced user.

Also, one needs to design the UI on the ease of learning/ease of use 
continuum based on how often a user will need the function. Infrequently-
used features benefit everyone, novice and adept, because if you only do 
it once every six months, you're always a novice at it! But frequently-
used features probably benefit from non-intrusive user interfaces. Those 
may then be opaque to the novice, but once learned, can be extremely 

For some ruminations on user interface design that came from setting my 
clocks back last October, you may find this Usenet post interesting:


(all on one line)

David W. Fenton                         |        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                 |        http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:37:05 EDT
Subject: [Finale] Re: Digest Monster


The list is emitting a digest several times an hour. The last attachment 
contained 1.7MB of previous digests.

Today my inbox-tomorrow the whole internet.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:38:08 -0800
From: Linda Worsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] humongous email

OK, why have I received two (2) HUGE posts from this list, so large 
that even my very efficient dsl line too a minute and a half to 
download it?  Has anyone else received this?  And in any case, why is 
it being sent?  Is it an archive of some kind?  Does someone hate us? 
What's going on?

Linda Worsley


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:42:04 -0400
From: "Bill Fatch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: [Finale] Concordance

I'll second that!

Bill Fatch
Etudes & Duos for Brass

-------- ORIGINAL MESSAGE BELOW --------
Thanks Hal,

That's a very good refresher for me.



On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 07:46  PM, Harold Owen wrote:

> Dear listers,
> I've just compiled a comparative listing of Finale's keyboard 
> shortcuts and mouse clicks for both Mac and Windows. If you use 
> one platform at home and the other at school or the office and 
> can't remember the right combination of keys or clicks, you can 
> see them at the following address:
> http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~hjowen/Mac.WinKeyboardShortcuts.pdf
> The first two pages are the most important. The others contain 
> lots of information you might not have seen before.
> Best wishes.
> Hal

Philip Aker

Finale mailing list


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:53:00 -0400
From: Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Word and Finale? Possible?

At 09:00 PM 4/16/02 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
>But the results may very well be vastly inferior to the results of using 
>Finale's native graphics export, as the results depend on the screen 
>resolution and the zoom percentage of the displayed file onscreen.

Right. The operant phrase for me was 'cut a few bars of music'.

Based on the tone of the question, I was guessing that this was relatively
casual ... or else we'd probably be talking about using pro publication
programs and PostScript. (Not to mention the size of the bitmapped files
pasted into MSWord!)

In any case, since screen res is about 72 dpi, a few measures on the larger
screens most of us use, captured at 200%, gives about 300dpi when the
actual file is reduced to about 50% (as it would be printed). It may seem
crude (and on a non-PS printer, the beams have slight jaggies), but for
average printing with MSWord for classroom use, photocopies, or POD
publications, it will actually be okay.

I've put a file here done as described above:

The file, with a *single* 300 dpi bitmap, is 1.4MB.

>Both are superior in quality to a garden variety screen capture, not to 
>mention not requiring all that cropping to get it down to the appropriate 

Agreed. But it's pretty useful for quick clips and fast work.

Best to you,


Message: 6
From: Ken Durling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] humongous email
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 19:06:10 -0700

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:38:08 -0800, you wrote:

>OK, why have I received two (2) HUGE posts from this list, so large 
>that even my very efficient dsl line too a minute and a half to 
>download it?  Has anyone else received this?  And in any case, why is 
>it being sent?  Is it an archive of some kind?  Does someone hate us? 
>What's going on?

yes, I'm getting them too.  Over  2MB the last one.  I mat have to
unsubscribe for a while, if I can remember how!  ;-) 

Ken Durling

Visit my new easier-to-browse PhotoSIG portfolio:


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:10:07 -0400
From: Jon Delfin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] To the list owner...

"David W. Fenton" wrote:

> REPLY ALL has always annoyed me, because it leads to what I consider to
> be anti-social list behavior, posting both to the list and with a
> separate copy to the sender.

Maybe other mail programs don't make this easy, but in Netscape Communicator, it
takes all of half a second to delete the sender's address and leave the list
address extant.



Message: 8
From: "Howard Rigby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Finale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:24:19 -0400
Subject: [Finale] filter out those hude digests!

Hi all--

after having had to download four of those huge digests I finally was able
to get into my email controls and set a filter that allows me to NOT
download anything that comes from
"[Finale] Access denied"

That way I continue to receive the other posts...

that's what I did- maybe others can do the same (I use Outlook Express)....
I know...... don't get on me about that!

Cecil Rigby


Message: 9
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:33:30 -0400
From: Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Word and Finale? Possible?

At 11:17 AM 4/16/02 -0700, Harold Owen wrote:
>The way I have done it: In Finale choose the Graphics Tool, in Page 
>View, double-click and drag a box around the music you want to import 
>into Word. Choose Export Selection from the menu. In the dialog box 
>that appears, choose EPS from the pull-down menu, click Downlowd 
>Fonts, and Create a Bitmap preview. This will create a new file that 
>you can import into Word using Import Picture. In your Word file, put 
>the cursor just below the text where you want it. You can size it or 
>change its left margin if necessary. It will print nicely on a 
>post-script printer.

In my experience, this has been a recipe for disaster on Windows.

In Finale, you must first change to a PostScript printer from the page
setup dialog, and if you don't have a PostScript printer, install a dummy
driver for one (such as the Apple 630), and then change back to your
regular printer when done with the export (or you'll send reams of raw
PostScript to your machine!).

The resulting EPS file will not be placed in MSWord as a high resolution
image, but only according to its low-resolution TIFF (not BMP) preview
(though this may have been fixed in newer versions of MSWord -- please
correct me if it now works). When you attempt to place the file as an
object instead of an image, the EPS file will generate the dreaded
PScript_Win_Compat error.



Message: 10
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:01:36 -0400
From: Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Message which didn't make it to the list

At 03:23 PM 4/16/02 -0800, Mark D. Lew wrote:
>[*] I must confess -- although I realize this is very eccentric of me -- I
>still haven't got past thinking of all MIDI and playback functions as
>"frills".  I wouldn't expect my word processing application to read my
>letters out loud; why should a notation program be different?  I use Finale
>to write the music on paper, not to play it.  That's what instruments and
>musicians are for.

Ummm... okay. If you can get them.

In order to get them, very important from this composer's point of view is
the demo. Who auditions music through scores anymore? Very seriously (and
perhaps sadly, and even though they may deny it), conductors, performers
and producers would much rather pop in a CD when driving along than take
time out to go through a stack of scores (or in the case of performers,
rent or buy a score on spec). Demos also help with rehearsals (my flute
concerto wouldn't have been prepared in time for the premiere without the
demo, for example).

Beyond submissions to conductors or performers, I have an extensive on-line
catalog with lots of demos in mp3 format, some of the latter created from
the Midi output of Finale, and then massaged in Sonar. I have gotten many
performances (and even two commissions) from my audio catalog.

In 1993 it was different, but today I can't use a notation program without
Midi output to work with. Times have changed. It's no longer a
printed-score world.



Message: 11
From: "Kenneth Kuhlmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Concordance
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 13:51:28 +1000

>  Charles Small wrote:
>  >> For some reason, every time I go to your link, Acrobat launches, but
all I
>  >> get is a 12 page blank document.  Anyone else having this problem?
>  >>
>  >
>  >   Sort of. What happens here is: Acrobat 2.1 launches automatically and
gives me
>  >a blank document. But if I start Acrobat 4 *first* and then go to the
link, I get
>  >the whole nine yards.
> Phil Daley wrote:
> I was about to suggest it was a version problem.  Get Version 5.
The file name of Hal's document contains two periods. This may be the cause
of the problem given that there is a lack of standardisation between
computer platforms and operating systems regarding the format of file names
and which part of the name
should be treated as the *extension* indicating the type of file.

Perhaps Hal could rename his very useful file by removing the first period
and we could see if the problems persist.  I suspect it may disappear.

This is my experience.  Using Internet Explorer/Outlook Express_5.5 I used
Hal's link to save the file directly to disk on my WIN_NT_4  Server without
opening it.  Later, clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer it opened
automatically in Acrobat Exchange_3.1.  Similarly, I accessed the copy on my
server from a WIN_2000 workstation where it opened automatically in Acrobat
Reader_5.05.  Following the postings on this list I attempted to open the
the file directly from Hal's link.  An Internet Explorer window opened to
display the file -  OK  - but it simply contained an icon indicating that
the file was unavailable  -  not OK  - no evidence that anything was

The WIN_NT_4 and WIN_2000 OS's recognise the text after the -last- period as
the file extension *pdf* and correctly associate the file with the required
Acrobat program on each system.  My theory is that IE 5.5 (perhaps to
maintain compatibility with older DOS/WIN conventions) uses the text after
the -first- period, ie  *WinK...*, as the extension and fails to make an
association with any reader program.  Hence it fails to download the file
and displays an icon indicating that the file is unavailable.  As other
listers have indicated, if Acrobat Reader is started first and the file is
opened using the File menu then the document should open correctly because
the program does not need to detect and act upon the extension.  On other
platforms (Apple?) and different software installations IE may behave
differently but equally unsatisfactorily.

Any other explanations?

Kenneth Kuhlmann


Message: 12
From: "Jari Williamsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:06:45 +0200
Subject: Re: [Finale] "New Staff System" woes

Charles Small writes:

>  Hello all,  In an extracted part, I need to break a (single-staff) system (page
> view).
> In Measure Tool, I double-click the measure which should start a new system, the
> box listing attributes for that measure pops up, I check "Begin New Staff System",
> click OK to return to the part, and: Nothing has changed. Tried "update Layout",
> still No Joy.
>  What am I missing?  (BTW-- Finale 2000c, Mac)

Verify "Options/Update Layout Options...". Make sure that the "Reflow 
Measures" setting has the setting you'd expect.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
ICQ #: 78036563


Message: 13
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 08:34:28 -0100
From: Phil Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Finale] Finale Digest bloated


As I recieve this at work I am on the digest;

I am receiving some very bloated messages:

Below I have copied the entries from my mailbox, just for volume 1 #17

I cannot even open these messages as they are so big!

[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 1/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 2/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 3/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 4/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 5/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 6/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    913
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 7/8
[*]     Normal  [ ]     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20:49 16/04/02 -0500    912
Finale digest, Vol 1 #17 - 6 msgs 8/8

Phil Hurst


Message: 14
From: "Jari Williamsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:44:04 +0200
Subject: [Finale] Disable e-mails

A mail I'd sent to one of the list's members just bounced due to a "Mailbox 
Quota Exceeded" error, most likely caused by the huge "Access denied" 
messages that were sent out by the Mail Delivery Subsystem for this 
So I've now disabled mails from this group to be sent to my mailbox until 
this problem has been corrected, to make sure that other mail still will 
reach me.
If you have a mailbox account with a size limit, make sure you do the 
same. You can temporarily disable mails from the group, using the WWW 
interface listed at the bottom of the messages for this group. [As a 
subscribed member, there's a password already created for you which 
can be mailed to your e-mail account.]

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
ICQ #: 78036563


Message: 15
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 04:00:03 +0100
Subject: [Finale] HELP!!!!!!

How do I stop getting this "MAILER-DAEMON" e-mail that takes forever to


Martin Banner
Monticello, New York


Message: 16
From: "helgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] To the list owner...
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 18:07:27 +1000

While I have no probs with whichever system our list owner chooses to use I
am getting a bit p--'d off with (like today) receiving 11 "access denied"
e-mails, all of which take about 30odd seconds to load, and start halfway
through a sentence, or even a word. I have now sat for 18mins 42secs
receiving 37 e-mails! Paying by the minute this is no fun, especially as the
"slowloaders" are not for me in the first place! Truly if this is going to
be the norm you've lost me!
To whom is access denied? Is it me or "the list"? Either way I don't really
want to know something is denied unless I'VE sent it and it has 'bounced
back'. Why tell me Finale has denied itself entry to half a message. I trust
this is a temporary glitch and will soon be solved.-and SOON.
Regards, Keith in OZ
----- Original Message -----
From: John Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Finale] To the list owner...

> At 2:02 PM -0500 4/16/02, Aaron Sherber wrote:
> >At 03:16 PM 04/16/02, John Howell wrote:
> > >I don't have a "Reply All" button on my menu.  (MacEudora)
> >
> >Sure you do -- Message | Reply to All. You can even add a button for this
> >to your toolbar in more recent versions. It's also Shift-Ctl-R on Win,
> >whatever the appropriate thing is for Mac.
> >
> >Aaron.
> Well, I poked around in the "Settings" module and found a place where I
> could choose either Reply or Reply to all, and changed my choice.  NOW I
> have a Reply to All choice on my menu, but I didn't have it before.
> to all who sent suggestions.
> John
> John & Susie Howell
> Virginia Tech Department of Music
> Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
> Vox (540) 231-8411   Fax (540) 231-5034
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> http://www.music.vt.edu/faculty/howell/howell.html
> _______________________________________________
> Finale mailing list
> http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale


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