At 10:44 PM +0200 4/25/02, Jörg Peltzer wrote:
>Hello again,
>I need to setup cue notes in an instrument part from a vocal score
>(using Tgtools).
>The cue notes are starting one bar before the instrument plays and
>lyrics are included.
>The problem comes up when the last word in the lyrics is hyphenated, i
>get endless hyphens in the part.
>I tried the following with no solution:
>- on deleting the word with the hyphen and substituting it with a
>nonhyphenated syllable, the main part is also altered
>- when cueing one bar more unless there is no hyphen at the end of the
>bar and then hiding the superfluous syllables, the text stays inside the
>cue notes, no chance to hide it.
>Do i have to set up a new verse for that? And assign the text to the
>notes manually from scratch ?
>This seems to be too far away for me...
>Any ideas?
>  Jörg
>*** Alt F4 und der Tag gehört dir ! ***

Dear Jorg,

I have no particular experience in this, but I do understand how the 
lyric tool functions to alter the main part when you try to modify 
the cue part.  I would try setting up another "scratch" staff (to be 
deleted later) to which I'd copy the necessary part to be made into 
cues, type in a new set of lyrics without the offending syllable to 
that staff and use that for the cues.  If there's not a lot of this 
to be done, it wouldn't be too tedious, and I think it should solve 
the problem.  Maybe someone else will answer with a more efficient 
way to deal with the situation, but this seems worth a try.

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
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(360) 671-3402  fax (360) 676-6055
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