I'm not familiar with the PhotoShop "droplet"
mechanism, but for macros in general I strongly
recommend a product called "WinBatch"

Now, I've used a lot of "recorder" facilities,
such as the Windows 3.1 recorder and QuickKeys, 
etc.   I found them all better than nothing,
but rather unstable and awkward.

WinBatch has a couple of features beyond
those recorder facilities:

*)  There's a text notation for macros,
    so you actually write down the keystrokes
    you want. And, you can then easily edit
    and modify.

*)  There are specific commands for directing
    operations and keystrokes to specific 
    windows and sub-windows.  This cures
    a big source of instability with recorder

*)  They have a facility for a drop-down
    shortcut menus on the shortcuts bar.
    This is product and window specific,
    So, if I'm using Finale the drop downs
    include only my Finale macros, and if
    I'm using Explorer or Word etc the 
    drop downs are for that product.

They don't have a "droplet" facility as you
describe.  But, I can write e.g. a macro
to make a mass of changes to the open 
Finale document, or even to open all the
Finale documents in a directory and execute
a given macro.

So I *can* write a big macro to do a style
change, and that's what I did e.g. for 
switching to JazzFont.  But, such macros
are *big*, and much more complicated than
a template facility that lets you just 
say "here's a template with the settings
I want for all these fonts and options,
please do it".

An aside:  someday I'll have to write a note
to Finale on this, but there are a couple
of characteristics of many Finale windows 
that are big impediments to macros.  The
worst is toggle options.  You can't write
a  macro to positively set a toggle option
ON or OFF, because you don't know if it's 
currently ON or OFF.  

Anyway, check out WinBatch.  I regard it as
an essential.

Phil Shaw - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://okshaw.com
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