Pickups as implemented in Finale are always a pain in the butt.

Instead, set the first measure to be 1/4 but click the box to use a 
different time signature for display and set that to be 4/4.  Then the 
tuplets should stay as you want because it is a normal measure, not the 
hybrid bastardization that Finale uses for pickups.

Chuck Israels wrote:

> This sent to Coda:
> Create a score (in 2002 latest), set pickup as one quarter note, enter 
> the pickups in one part as an eighth note triplet figure (with three 
> triplet eighths), extract that part.  Finale thinks that the quarter 
> note pickup measure should contain 2 eighths, and does not understand 
> the tuplet assignment in that measure, and it leaves out the first note 
> of the triplet.  I'm sure that the work-around would be to select a 
> dotted quarter pickup, and that'd be likely to work without a hitch, but 
> someone should take note of this.
> Chuck

David H. Bailey

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