When I have time I usually report spam to the postmaster at the originating 
dotcom.  I don't know how often it makes a difference, but I do it anyway.

Some spammers are less smart than others and a lot of them do get caught.


---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Monday, May 20, 2002 9:41 AM -0500
From: Joel Sears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: helgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Finale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Finale Porn

I feel lucky that I don't get much spam. Most of what I do get, seems to
come from the time I got onto EBay. I don't do that anymore. It does seem
to me, though, that I did get some spam like this, on the Finale list, last

Joel Sears

At 06:07 PM 5/19/02, helgesen wrote:
>Once again I received a 'soft porn' e-mail, clearly marked [Finale]. This
>one advertising a sex-chat room. In the recipients column was a whole heap
>of addresses, all starting with "Fin..." e.g. Finishing touch (dry
>cleaners?), Fingerstall, (manicurists?) etc so I suspect that someone has
>got hold of a huge address list and is sending random porn adverts to
blocks >of the list. Nobody else has mentioned this, which worries me a
bit. No, >it's not my scene so I don't know how I qualify. Just lucky(?) I
guess! >Anyone else getting this? Or are we too embarrassed to admit it?
>Regards, Keith in OZ.

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