Dave Brubeck tells a story about Paul Desmond's habit of weaving his current
girlfriend's phone number into a solo, at which point Dave would play it
back at him!
If you ever hear Desmond on record playing a quote from "Don't Fence Me In"
that was his way of telling Brubeck or (more usually) Joe Morello that he
was playing too much behind his solo.
----- Original Message -----
From: Harold Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 12:11 PM
Subject: [Finale] Re: Phone numbers in music

> Folks,
> There is "The Telephone" by Menotti.
> In addition, I used to use my colleague's number and mine to
> illustrate antecedent and consequent relationships for the theory
> class. The sequence was 3-4-3-2-6-0 9, 3-4-5-1-8-9-0. It made a nice
> waltz tune.
> I used to give an assignment to my composition students in which they
> created a rhythmic sequence from their telephone numbers converted to
> binary numbers. The 1s would be quarter notes, and the 0s would be
> eighths. They could choose any meter or changing meters. It really
> got them away from 4 x 4 clunky rhythms.
> For example, 4-7-2 comes out  0100  0111 0010
> e  q  e  e  e  q  q  q  e  e  q  e
> Try it. It's fun!
> Hal
> --
> Harold Owen
> 2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403
> Visit my web site at:
> http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~hjowen
> FAX: (509) 461-3608
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