Recordare is another company doing Internet music publishing. One thing
that makes us different from other online publishers is our emphasis on
providing music in many different file formats. Currently there are five
formats available:

 - PDF
 - FreeHand MusicPad Pro
 - MusicXML
 - Finale

The image-only formats (PDF and FreeHand) are the least expensive.
Adding MIDI and MusicXML to these formats gets you in the next price
tier, and adding Finale is the most expensive.

We have started with public domain editions of the classical song
literature (for instance, Schumann's Dichterliebe) but have no intention
of staying there. We have heard from many composers and publishers about
security issues. PDF files offer a nice range of options which would be
helpful to have for the more powerful formats. But obviously we do think
things are far enough along to get started now.

You can check out the music side of our store at 

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Michael Good
Recordare LLC

Finale mailing list

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