
I think there's a problem with M$Office on OS X but don't know 
whether or not it could affect OS 9 fonts. I haven't heard of 
any other applications doing the same thing. Here's a link:



On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, at 07:41  AM, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

> At 5:59 PM -0400 6/24/02, TIMOTHY THOMPSON wrote:
>> Listers,
>> I am working on a large orchestra score.  I don't know if the 
>> file has a
>> corruption or if it is my PowerBook or OS 9.2.2 (I suspect the 
>> latter).  I
>> also work on the file sometimes on my G4 in my office, and 
>> haven't had the
>> problem.
>> The problem appears at first to be font related, but I think 
>> it is a drawing
>> issue.  All of the fonts on the score suddenly appear to be italic,
>> including Maestro.  And sometimes, the font will change to a 
>> symbol font.
>> Even if I save the file before quitting and relaunching 
>> Finale, the file
>> always comes back with the normal fonts.  (This is Fin 2002b for Mac.)
> This has not happened to me in Finale, but I have noticed 
> something similiar in AppleWorks 6 on my G4 with OS 9.2.2. 
> Suddenly, the font I am using becomes italic. It is not 
> selected in the Style menu, but when I select the offending 
> passage and press command-T (for plain text) it all works out, 
> and is fixed forever on that document. Then next document, it 
> may occur again, or maybe not. I have not checked to see if it 
> prints that way. Maybe I should, to rule out a screen draw 
> problem.
> I have not worked out how or why or under what circumstances, 
> but your story makes me think it is related to OS 9.2.2.
> christopher

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