At 3:22 PM -0400 6/26/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In a message dated 6/26/02 2:01:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< At 2:16 PM -0400 6/26/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I have this one and love it (and w/a programmed shift key, you get 116 button
>>functions) - they have usb and ps-2 versions.
>  >
>Am I correct in assuming that the software that accompanies this
>lovely little device will not accommodate the Mac OS?
>  >>
>No Chuck I am on a Mac. And I should correct an earlier post - with the shift
>key it would only have 115 keys. They must have upped their price as I
>remember paying around $54.00. The only software that it installs is a USB
>extention that reads the self-programmed keystrokes (which are stored in the
>device so it works the same when I plug it into my laptop.)


I have been dreaming about something like this and wondering why no 
one had invented it.  As usual, I am behind the technological curve, 
and here it is.  I just ordered the 20 key one and hope I am not 
being penny wise and pound foolish (which is how I'll feel, if I 
quickly run out of keys - hard to tell at this point.)  If you have 
advice on this and write back quickly, I can probably change the 

This should be so useful as to become quickly indispensable for 
running Finale/Quickkeys macros and the like.



Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham  WA 98225-5836
(360) 671-3402  fax (360) 676-6055
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