The listing that shows Acoustic Grand is because that is the first patch 
(patch 000 or 001 depending on your synth and its numbering system) in 
the GM listing.

The percussion channel, 10, is a unique channel in the GM world, with 
its own set of patches, where each individual note number has a 
different sound.  So the window that is listing Acoustic Grand just 
means that the first patch is chosen, which is Standard Kit in the drum 

As for getting the proper sounds, I have found that using GM entry and 
playback gives me the best results.  But you have to select the notes 
you want to use for that staff and you have to be sure the proper sound 
(note number) is selected for playback for that particular place on the 
staff.  So you have to edit the percussion staff to get it to play back 
properly.  It is not very hard, but it is not for the faint of heart 
(probably Sibelius does it by processing the user's thoughts without any 
keystrokes involved) and you shoul definitely read through the O.L.D. on 
the subject.

Christopher Zello wrote:

> How do a set the percussion sounds on a full score to actually sound like
> the instruments chosen?
> Right now, my bass drum sounds like a bird whistle.  There are other
> problems, as well.
> At the present time, in my Instrument List window, my Bass drum is listed as
> the Instrument "Standard Kit" and GM "Acoustic Grand."  Surely that can't be
> right.  Same listings for Snare drum.
> Thank you,
> Chris
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