Mark D. Lew wrote:


>>And we don't
>>have the engraver's opinion as to what was done being good engraving or
>>if it was simply following a misguided editor/boss's ideas.
> It's not clear to me that the editor is more likely to be misguided than
> the engraver.

Well, the editor has the option of sending the proof back to the 
engraver and saying "Change this" while the engraver does not have the 
option of overriding the editor.  So if something we feel to be 
misguided ends up in the score, I would fault the editor every time, 
unless I knew that the engravers did their work and their plates went 
right into the press without review.

Of course, given all the multitude of errata which have been foisted on 
a trusting public by the likes of Boosey&Hawkes, the work-flow may well 
be editor->engraver->printer while the idealist in me would like it to 
be editor->engraver->editor->engraver-for-corrections->editor->printer.

So you may well be right, the engravers may be responsible for more 
errata than I would like to accuse them of, while editors may well be 
less responsible than we would like to condemn them for.

David H. Bailey

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