On 12 Jul 2002, at 4:01, Mark D. Lew wrote:

> As for the type-in-score question. The obvious problem with what was
> originally suggested is that Finale stores anything that's typed onto
> the page as an expression. On the whole, this is a very good thing,
> and I don't think it ought to be changed even if such a change were
> practical (which it surely isn't). So if a Sibelius-minded user comes
> along and types "pizz." over and over every time he wants one, he's
> going to end up with a dozen different definitions of "pizz." in his
> expression list.

I think that's a ridiculous objection.

The question as to what happens when you type into the score an 
already-existing exression would be up to Coda's programmers. The 
could do like Microsoft and have an autocomplete list, for instance.

And in any event, the way Sibelius manages automatic playback of 
typed-in-score expressions is by having a predefined list of them, so 
that each instance of "pizz" in fact derives its meaning from a pre-
defined single expression definition.

To expand on some of your other comments:

I'm still in the old version of Finale where you had a separate tool 
for note expressions and another tool for score expressions (note vs. 
measure in your description). I vastly prefer note expressions 
because I find that I very seldom have scores in my work where 
placing an expression in multiple staves is the slightest big useful. 
The music just doesn't work that way, and I also see lots of cases 
where there are differences in placement in my sources, sometimes 
differences that make a huge difference in performance. I don't want 
to lose information so I place each of my expressions individually.

Obviously, were I composing an orchestral piece and wanted the entire 
brass section ff, a score/measure expression would make more sense, 
but not for the work I do.

My point: the problems you have will depend on your personal working 
style and the kind of music you are engraving.

The whole point of my raising the issue of automatic placement was 
that articulations placed with metatools have automatic placement. If 
expressions would simply be changed to have the same kind of 
automatic placement in the expression definition, I'd be happy.

Of course, I also think all of these items should be made object-
oriented, in the inheritence and sub-classing sense. For that non-
programmers, what I mean is that one should really need to create 
multiple definitions with completely different behavior that look 
exactly the same. For instance, I find myself needing in some scores 
to have two "p" definitions because of different instruments, or 
context or whatever (real live musicians would understand to 
interpret them differently, but the computer needs help). Often, I 
only need the second definition in a couple of locations. If I could 
right click on a particular instance of "p" in the score and override 
the settings for that particular instance alone, it would be 
extremely helpful. I could, then, adjust one "p" to be louder or 
softer. I also think the "display only" attribute should be one of 
things you could override on individual expressions. I still think an 
expression should be definable as display only, but it would be nice 
to be able to override individual instances (and it would be nice if 
the display of these subclassed expressions/articulations would 
indicate that it has been altered from default settings).

The basic principle is that the item in the score has default 
behaviors which are inherited from its parent (the expression or 
articulation definition), and any particular occurrence of that item 
can have certain its default properties overridden for that one 

David W. Fenton                         |        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
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