----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark D. Lew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Finale list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Finale wish list

> Another high priority which is surely easy to fix would be to get rid of
> that irritating new feature in Speedy whereby when the staff gets pushed
> or down due to going into the ledger lines, it stays up there and doesn't
> come back. It seems to me that pretty much everyone hates this. The old
> Speedy behavior was much better.

Certainly clicking somewhere in the staff should re-centre it, IMO.

> Another change in Speedy behavior I dislike is that typing a number adds a
> note to the chord if the time value already matches the number typed.
> Again, the old way was better.  Can I at least have a check-off option to
> turn this off?

This is only the case when you are not using MIDI entry (obviously that
doesn;t make the issue any less legitimate).  What I can't understand is,
why would you type the same note value again if it's already correct?


I don't know if it was just my inexperience with the lyrics tool, but the
last time I was working with lyrics, I had major problems when it came to
copying them to another location, in that a change in one location affected
all instances of the lyrics.  I worked with both the Mass Mover tool and
"clone Lyrics" options and never quite figured out what was going on.

Colin Broom, composer


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