>Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 21:46:49 +0200
>From: Johannes Gebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I am not really enough of an expert to comment, but 68k emulation worked
>just a little different from how Classic works in OSX. 

My point was not *how* they work, but *that* they work. 

But this is turning into nit-picking. I never found out what the story 
behind the phrase "an argument over the Kaiser's beard" is, but that's 
what we're facing ;-)E

>                    For me this is not really an option, and until
>everything I need to run regularly will run under OS X I won't switch.
>And not surprisingly that currently comes down to Finale and very little

In fairness: I have five to six dozen apps in my Music Applications 
folder (not counting minor utilities). Hardly any of 'em run under 
Carbon. True, some of this is freeware stuff, but there are also a few 
other things where you would have expected the manufacturer to have been 
highly motivated to get her Carbon act together. Sigh.



PS: The unorthodox smiley is meant to indicate a beard... now returned 
after several months of shaving

---------------   <http://www.bek.no/~pcastine/Litter/>   ---------------
Peter Castine       | From the Litter Power Thesaurus:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       |   Urn model: lp.ernie

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